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How to Improve Your Golf Game

How to Improve Your Golf Game: 10 Tips for Improving Instantly

There are few scenarios in life more enjoyable than enjoying a beautiful day playing golf on a pristine course. This sport has been popular for hundreds of years, and it's showing no signs of slowing down. To fully enjoy your time on the course, though, you'll need to take your golf skills to the next level.

Improving your golf game might seem difficult at first, but it's easier than most people anticipate. We've created a brief guide that outlines the key information on how to become a better golfer. Let's explore how to improve your golf game the right way.

1. Play With the Right Ball

Using the right ball can easily take your performance from mediocre to remarkable. If your ball doesn't match your clubhead speed, it could prevent you from hitting your best shots. In general, firmer golf balls will require higher swing speeds.

You can use a golf ball selector tool to determine which one is best for your game. A bit of research can help you avoid many obstacles you would have otherwise encountered.

2. Use a Golf GPS

Using a device to help you navigate each hole is invaluable for planning your approach. This is especially true if you don't have a strong familiarity with the course you're playing on.

Golf GPS allows you to preview the hole from a bird's-eye view. You no longer have to guess if you're aiming at the right part of the fairway. You'll also gain insight into all the hazards that are present.

Many golf watches have GPS capabilities built in. This makes it a convenient way to assess each hole before you begin playing. You can pair golf GPS devices with range finders to avoid playing blind.

3. Always Warm Up

No matter how experienced you are, it's essential to properly warm up. This doesn't only apply to warming up your muscles, either.

To hit the ball correctly, you'll need to prime your motor patterns. Practice swinging with different clubs, and practice the movement without hitting the ball at all.

You can also perform stretches at home to improve your game. Stretching for 10 minutes per day can keep you limber and ready to play whenever you hit the course.

4. Add Hybrids and Fairway Woods

People often make the mistake of using clubs that aren't right for their game. Avoid consistent use of long irons.

You should include more hybrids and fairway woods instead. Each one should have a specific distance so you're not wasting a club in your set. This will help you improve your confidence on long, difficult shots.

5. Training Aids Sparingly

There comes a time when you'll hit a plateau in your golf practice. Training aids can help you take your performance to the next level, but they can also become a burden over time.

If you become too reliant on them, you'll mitigate your skill increases. This can cause you to get exponentially less improvement out of the time you invest.

You should cap training aid usage to around 25% of your total golf time. You can start your sessions with training aids to build a solid foundation. Just remember that less is more.

6. Have a Strategy

Golf is just as much of a mental game as it is physical. It requires careful focus and strategic planning to succeed.

The better you refine your strategy, the better your results will be. A common area people have trouble with is their approach strategy.

This leads to undershooting and overshooting, adding unnecessary strokes to your score. Many people also struggle with developing a tee box strategy.

They might not understand what club to use or how to navigate hazards. Performing independent research on the course is a great way to overcome these problems.

7. Play One Shot Shape

It's not recommended to alternate shapes when making your shots. To clarify, you should choose one shape (such as curving the ball to the right) and stick to it.

Over time, you'll get very proficient in the type of shot shape you play. This makes it less likely you'll need to adjust to a different shape as you approach the green.

8. Practice on the Course

Proper course time goes a long way toward developing respectable skills. Try to get on the course each week and accumulate valuable playing time.

This allows you to practice in a contextual setting and ensure the skills you learn directly translate to your game. For example, imagine if you only visited driving ranges to improve your long game.

While you would be able to hit the ball further, you might not be able to accommodate hazards or the need for certain shot shapes.

9. Practice Inside 125 Yards

Most golfers don't spend nearly enough time within 125 yards. Learn to hit knockdown shots and putt more often.

This will quickly improve your confidence once you begin approaching the green on a particular hole. Most golfers should spend longer practicing within 125 yards compared to outside of it.

10. Club Up on the Approach

When approaching the green with your shot, it's recommended to club up. This allows you to have a better chance of reaching the green without having to worry about chip shots. You should choose a club that you can consistently hit with around 80% power.

If you overshoot, you'll likely be just behind the hole. Using a club like this will make it very unlikely you'll undershoot. It's much easier to correct an overshot than an undershot, so keep this in mind when moving forward.

Understand How to Improve Your Golf Game

At first, knowing how to improve your golf game can seem difficult. The good news is that the tips in this guide can help you hit the ground running and take your skills to greater heights. Just be sure to stay consistent!

Northland Country Club prides itself on being one of the top five golf courses in Minnesota. It's also one of the top Classic Golf courses in the United States. You can learn more about the many benefits we provide our members by getting in touch with us today.
